July 7th, 2022
Graffiti Removal Assistance for Property Owners
Are you a property owner who needs to freshen up your area with remnants or shadows of graffiti, or need to paint over graffiti? Check out this free paint program from the City of Vancouver.
STOP GRAFFITI FROM SPREADING—The best way to stop is to paint over it as soon as it appears. That’s why Vancouver’s graffiti by-law requires property owners to have graffiti removed within 10 days after receiving a notice from the City.
Do not wait for graffiti to accumulate or to receive a notice from the City. Everyone is responsible for managing graffiti by maintaining their property as best as possible.
Graffiti that remains after being reported on a building by a City Property Use Inspector will be removed at the property owner’s expense.
Please check with the City of Vancouver to manage graffiti and vandalism for a directory of professional graffiti removal businesses.
Graffiti is a criminal offence. Those who apply graffiti can receive a fine between $500 – $2,000 per tag
The Graffiti Management Mural Program currently responds to graffiti damage on community murals. Please call 604.673.8076 if you have questions regarding a damaged mural on your property or in your community.
Do you have any ideas for something we can add or improve?
The Yaletown BIA is always open to projects that will improve our “curb appeal”, and make our neighbourhood welcoming for your clientele, family, friends and tourists.