Neighbourhood Security Services (24/7)

If you require assistance or have someone suspicious in your business, please call:

  1. State that the matter is related to the Yaletown BIA
  2. Provide the address that the service is required for


  1. Register with your phone number.
  2. Verify your phone number with the code sent to you via SMS.
  3. Create a PIN for your account for added security.
  4. Set up your profile by entering a [first name/business name]
  5. Join the Yaletown BIA Group


Please dial 9-1-1

Please dial in situations where: A person’s life is in danger; A person or their property is being threatened; A crime is taking place (e.g. break and enter, assault, robbery, domestic dispute)

Call the non-emergency police line: 604.717.3321

Examples of a non-emergency calls: Reporting a crime that has already been committed and there are no suspects (i.e. your vehicle was broken into overnight); Reporting suspicious or nuisance behaviour (i.e. a noisy party); Getting or giving follow-up information for a police file you have already.

The more you report, the more attention the neighbourhood will receive for security.

Call the City of Vancouver: 3-1-1 for abandoned items, garbage, graffiti, park & wildlife problems, or building/development questions.

Alternatively, download Van311 App on Google Play or Apple Store and report your case online.

Call 604.683.7473

Our office is operational Mondays – Fridays, 9AM – 5PM. We are closed on Stat Holidays.

Things to consider

1 ) Learn more about the Trespass Prevention Program - Vancouver Police Department (

2 ) If something seems unusual or out of place, follow your instincts and report it to the police. Suspicious activity could include:

  • someone peering into cars and windows
  • a stranger who looks to have no purpose for being in the neighbourhood

3 ) If you encounter someone experiencing an episode, please maintain distance and contact the appropriate number. DO NOT engage - we understand that these cases can be problematic, but we do not wish you to put yourself in potential harm's way. Let the professionals & specialists handle the situation.

4 ) If it is life-threatening, dial 9-1-1, otherwise, contact Paladin Security or the "non-urgent" line.

5 ) Always report! If you encounter a distressed situation but dismiss it, someone else becomes the victim.

Thank you!