March 31st, 2023
The NEXT 5 YEARS (2024-2028)
Yaletown BIA needs you to participate in our Strategic Planning Member Survey and Open House. You have the opportunity to influence how the BIA funds are spent over the next 5 years to improve Yaletown as we begin the process of renewing our mandate and funding. We want to create the best possible conditions for business success in Yaletown and continue to advocate for our members.
Member Survey [CLOSED]
We invite you to participate in completing our survey so we can share what’s important to you. Before you complete the survey, please review what we have accomplished and what we’re up to. Thank you for participating in our questionnaire and submitting your input.
Open House, Member Networking and AGM
Discuss how you want to shape Yaletown’s Next Five Years (2024-2028) where you will have the opportunity to influence how the BIA funds are spent over the next 5 years. Voice your thoughts, concerns and ideas to improve Yaletown so that we can help turn the neighbourhood into a more vibrant, safe and welcoming district for businesses, employees and visitors.
We are hosting two open houses and an opportunity to have coffee with the Executive Director and Board Members to get your perspective, and priorities and hear your concerns.
Open House 1 | Open House 2 | Member Networking | Annual General Meeting |
May 9th at 9:30 AM | May 16th at 2:00 PM | TBA | September 20th at 9:00 AM |
Ooma Enterprise 1250 Homer St | Ooma Enterprise 1250 Homer St | CAPO and The Spritz | Brix & Mortar |
Looking Back 2019 – 2023
Yaletown BIA Strategic Plan from 2019 – 2023. Looking back over the last five years, the Yaletown BIA has endeavoured to support the community through various initiatives to keep the neighbourhood clean, safe, and welcoming for businesses, staff and customers alike. The YBIA team stepped up to meet the changing needs of the community during these unprecedented times with frequent patrols of the area checking in on businesses and offering support on various levels. Other pandemic responses are noted below along with some of our program accomplishments over the last few years.
Pandemic response to help our businesses withstand the downturn includes;
effective lobbying of the Provincial and Federal Governments in getting loan programs and recovery grants launched to help our members, successful in having many City fees (i.e. patio fees) waived during the pandemic and have continued to lobby the City for more efficient permit processes.
Property tax relief minimizing members’ tax bills with a 2% tax shift from businesses to residents.
By providing tools to leasing agents and property owners vacancy rates have dropped from 5% to 1% making Yaletown an attractive destination to have a business. Most recently after years of lobbying and planning with BC Hydro successful removal of BC Hydro poles. Our power supply is no longer vulnerable to weather events, helium balloons and other debris.
the BIA doubled the clean team days on the street (litter patrol & pick up), increased the number of murals on buildings, and added decorative lighting on buildings to improve Yaletown’s curb appeal and highlight the look and feel of the heritage district. In response to the pandemic public art was created and installed in public spaces creating an attractive space for employees and customers and two public plazas were activated to host programs for businesses and invite the public to lounge.
Yaletown doubled private security during the pandemic to patrol the area and reduce street disorder, added grants for security improvements to aid members in developing safe and secure workplaces for staff and enhanced area lighting to improve safety for all of us.
Events and marketing inherently attract new customers, and generate new business and revenue which helps our businesses thrive. To attract more visitors and customers to the area Yaletown hosts the following events; CandyTown, Pet-A-Palooza, Let’s Hear it for Yaletown, Cherry Blossom Festival, Illuminate Yaletown and Lumiere Festival. Marketing Campaigns include Taste of Yaletown, Yaletown Loves Runners and KISSMAS. The BIA also engages in Trade Show marketing and an enhanced YBIA mobile site showcasing daily offers and special deals delivered by Yaletownfree WiFi.
Looking Forward to The Next 5 Years
Programs in the works
Developing a strategy to reduce waste and costs.
Zero Waste means working towards producing less waste in the first place through prioritizing waste reduction, as well as reuse, resource efficiency, and recycling with the ultimate goal of closing that loop. YBIA is in the process of hiring a Waste Management Consultant to prepare a report on the best methods to achieve zero waste and reduce costs to members.
The YBIA is looking to work with Commercial Building Owners and Managers to reduce its carbon footprint to become a net zero carbon building. An increase in overall building efficiencies will reduce costs to operate and maintain the building. Commercial buildings that are certified will also have a distinct advantage when it comes to attracting and retaining tenants.
Our ‘Illuminate Yaletown’ program to showcase Yaletown as an attractive destination to visit, work and play is moving forward with additional building façade lighting. This is a cost-sharing initiative between the Yaletown BIA and the Property Owner to install permanent light fixtures on our heritage buildings that bring a vibrant and sophisticated look to the district.
The YBIA is offering substantial grants of up to $5,000 for businesses to enhance ground-level storefronts & patios or for security improvements such as security cameras, steel gates & blinds. This is a great opportunity for businesses to create a new look for their business and make a lasting impression or make security improvements to protect their establishment and ensure it is a safe and secure workplace.
This is your opportunity to share ideas and comments and help shape your neighbourhood over the next 5 years. We appreciate your time and your feedback.